Danube Region Programme is launching the 2nd call for project proposals contributing to the development of a more innovative, sustainable and more social Danube Region. The call is open from the 2 November 2023 until the 29 March 2024.
The programme area covers nine EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany with two lands Baden-Württemberg and Bayern, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and five non-EU Member States (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine with four provinces: Chernivetska Oblast, Ivano-Frankiviska Oblast, Zakarpatska Oblast, Odessa Oblast), being composed of 70 NUTS2 regions.
The main focus of this programme is along those thematic areas where the overall measures for better integration could be linked to those relevant and specific needs, which can be effectively addressed by transnational projects (e.g. depopulation, migration, economic inequalities, energy dependency, climate change). In this very heterogeneous and diverse region, a specific emphasis is to be given to ensure that the different needs of the countries (given their different political and economic status) are considered in a fairly balanced and well-integrated manner.
Project proposals must be submitted to the joint secretariat through Jems by 29 March 2024 and should focus on one of the following special objectives (SO):
- SO2.2: Promoting climate change adaptation capacities in the Danube Region and disaster management on transnational level in relation to environmental risks, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches
- SO2.3: Sustainable, integrated, transnational water and sediment management in the Danube River Basin ensuring good quality and quantity of waters and sediment balance
- SO2.4: Protecting and preserving the biodiversity in ecological corridors and eco-regions of transnational relevance in the Danube Region
- SO3.1: Accessible, inclusive and effective labour markets
- SO3.2: Accessible and inclusive quality services in education, training and lifelong learning
- SO3.3: Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
- SO4.2: Increased institutional capacities for territorial and macro-regional governance.
A series of webinars is planned in October and November to help you prepare your project application.
For general advice on the programme, on the eligibility requirements and on the national rules, please contact your National Contact Point. For advices related to the thematic scope of the project and the thematic alignment of the project to the call requirements, please contact danube@interreg-danube.eu or address the MA/JS project officer responsible for the coordination of the topic.
More information on the programme can be found in the following documents: