
Open lecture by Prof. Matteo Iannacone, MD, PhD



— 14:00


_Open lecture

We are pleased to invite you to the lecture by Prof. Matteo Iannacone, MD, PhD, which will be held on 3 May 2024 in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka from 1 to 2 pm.

Lecturer: Prof. Matteo Iannacone, MD, PhD
Director, Division of Immunology, Transplantation, and Infectious Diseases, Professor of Pathology
Head, Dynamics of Immune Responses, San Raffaele Scientific Institute & University, 20132 Milan, ITALY (Matteo Iannacone lab)

Lecture title and summary: Immune Surveillance of the Liver
The liver’s unique characteristics have a profound impact on the priming and maintenance of adaptive immunity. My talk will delve into the cellular circuits that regulate adaptive immune responses in the liver, with a specific focus on hepatitis B virus infection as an illustrative example. A key aspect highlighted is the liver’s specialized role in priming CD8+ T cells, leading to a distinct state of immune hyporesponsiveness. Additionally, the influence of the liver’s hemodynamics and anatomical features, particularly during liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, on the differentiation and function of adaptive immune cells is discussed. While the primary emphasis is on CD8+ T cells, recent findings regarding the involvement of B cells and CD4+ T cells in hepatic immunity will be also discussed. Furthermore, we address the challenges ahead and propose integrating cutting-edge techniques, such as spatial biology, and combining mouse models with human sample analyses to gain comprehensive insights into the liver’s adaptive immunity. This understanding could pave the way for novel therapeutic strategies targeting infectious diseases, malignancies, and inflammatory liver conditions like nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis.

Prof. Stipan Jonjić, MD, PhD, F.C.A.

Assoc. Prof. Ilija Brizić, PhD

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