DELTALAB – Center for Urban Transition, Architecture and Urbanism announces Call for applications for the new generation of URBAN STUDIES

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URBAN STUDIES are an interdisciplinary university specialist study programme of spatial and strategic design of complex urban systems, phenomena and transformations. The study programme is developed and managed by DELTALAB – Center for Urban Transition, Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Rijeka.

The innovative curriculum of URBAN STUDIES brings together experts from a wide spectrum of scientific and artistic disciplines in a dynamic educational process that combines lectures and workshop programme, research and methodology practice based on a thematic focus of the generation, a rich program of guest lectures and mentored development of individual student projects.

Intended for everybody whose research or practice influences the built and programmed environment, strategic planning, infrastructural capacities or collective imaginaries, URBAN STUDIES offer a comprehensive interdisciplinary education necessary for a meaningful contribution to the development of open, inclusive and resilient urban systems in the context of contemporary political, ecological and technological crises.

More information can be found here:

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