
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka is actively involved in all the below-mentioned mobility programmes.


Local coordinator (partner) in two networks within the CEEPUS programme: 1. Developing a network for monitoring the impact of environmental and nutritional factors on fertility and neonatal health (CIII-RO-0313-07-1415); 2. Determination of xenobiotics by using separation and hyphenated techniques for environment, food and human health purposes (CIII-PL-0706-03-1415)  is Prof. Branka Blagović, PhD, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka (e-mail:

CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is a regional academic mobility programme. In addition to Croatia, the following countries traditionally participate in the programme: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia. In the academic year 2009-2010, the University of Pristina in Kosovo also joined the programme. Each year, the signatory countries of the CEEPUS agreement determine the quota of grants available for incoming mobilities. Countries also determine grant amount for different categories of grant holders, as well as other rights of CEEPUS grant holders (for example, free accommodation, subsidised meals, health insurance). Grants depend on the particular country’s standard of living and must be sufficient for mobility needs. Students are also exempt from paying tuition fees. You can find more information about the CEEPUS programme here.


Erasmus / Erasmus+ 
The University of Rijeka has been participating in the Erasmus programme since the academic year 2009-2010. Over five academic years, more than 500 students of the University of Rijeka stayed at foreign higher education institutions in one of the EU member states. In December 2013, the University of Rijeka was awarded the Erasmus University Charter (255208-LA-1-2014-1-HR-E4AKA1-ECHE) for participation in the Erasmus+ programme in the period from 2014 to 2020. Erasmus+ aims to strengthen the knowledge, skills and employability of European citizens, as well as improve education, training and work in the field of youth and sports. The planned budget for the seven-year duration of the Erasmus+ programme is 19 billion euros. Erasmus+ brings together all previous European and international projects and initiatives in the field of education, training, youth and sports and replaces seven existing programmes: Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Youth in Action and five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulin and cooperation program with industrialised countries and territories). It is planned that the Erasmus+ programme enables 5 million people with the opportunity to study or improve their skills abroad.

The Erasmus+ programme offers students the following activities:

Student Mobility for Studies – SMS (3–12 months) – includes preparation of the final thesis (does not include independent research that is not an integral part of the study). Students of the Faculty of Medicine can spend Erasmus+ SMS at one of the universities with which the Faculty has signed an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement. Calls for applications for Erasmus+ studying are published on the University of Rijeka’s website. You can find more information about the Erasmus+ programme here.

Additional information on the ERASMUS+ university student and staff exchange options can be found here.

Student Mobility for Placement – SMP (2–12 months) – student exchange programme for traineeship/internship at the University of Zagreb takes place through the Erasmus+ programme. The traineeship can last a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months, which is defined by the receiving institution in agreement with the student. Either individually or in agreement with the ECTS coordinator/mentor at the faculty/academy, the student finds an institution/company where they will perform traineeship. The traineeship should be related to the study programme at the parent faculty/academy. Calls for applications for Erasmus+ traineeship are published on the University of Rijeka’s website. You can find more information about the Erasmus+ programme here.


This programme is intended for cooperation with countries outside the EU. The application for a mobility project between the programme and partner countries is submitted by the University of Rijeka. The application is subject to qualitative assessment separately for each partner country in four areas – the relevance of the internationalisation strategy, the quality of cooperation agreements, the quality of the project proposal and implementation and the impact and dissemination of project results. This programme offers student mobility for studies (3–12 months) and staff mobility for teaching and training (5 days to 2 months). Staff and students are allocated funds for travel expenses and daily subsistence allowance for the number of months/days based on the duration allocated by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes to the University of Rijeka.

More information can be found at the following links:

Bilateral exchange

Bilateral exchange based on interinstitutional agreements

Bilateral exchange is based on interinstitutional agreements that the University of Rijeka signs with foreign universities. Student exchange is only one of the activities stipulated by such agreements. The duration of the exchange period is a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months, which is determined according to the invitation letter of the receiving university. More information on bilateral exchange programmes can be found here.

Bilateral exchange based on the bilateral cooperation of the Republic of Croatia in the field of higher education

The bilateral academic mobility programme offers grants to citizens of the Republic of Croatia and foreign citizens based on international bilateral agreements and cooperation programmes concluded by the Republic of Croatia with other countries. The call for applications for each grant is published on the websites of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes ( and the Ministry of Science and Education ( with all accompanying documents and application instructions. You can find more information here.

Ažurirano 14.03.2025.

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