About the journal Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics
- ISSN 1847-6376 (printed form)
- ISSN 1848-7874 (electronic form)
- https://doi.org/10.21860/j
The journal has been published since 2010. Two regular issues are published annually in June and December. The journal is founded and published by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka (the headquarter is the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in Medicine). Since its founding, the publisher is also the Fritz Jahr Documentation and Research Center for European Bioethics of the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka. Since 2016, the journal has been co-published by the UNESCO Chair on the Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, University of Rijeka and the Scientific Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. The journal executes exchanges with other journals from Croatia and abroad. The journal presents bioethical topics from the perspective of social sciences (sociology, psychology, law, political sciences, information and communication sciences, pedagogy, educational and rehabilitation sciences, speech and language pathology, kinesiology, demography, social activities, security and defence, economy), humanities (philosophy, theology, philology, history, history of art, archaeology, ethnology and anthropology, religious studies), biomedicine (medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy) and other sciences. It has become the leading regional journal of bioethics, and its role in the field of bioethics at the European and global level is becoming more and more significant, which is confirmed by its growing indexation in significant databases:
- ERIH PLUS – since 2015
- DOAJ – since 2017
- SCOPUS – since 2018.
Editorial Team
- Igor Eterović, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
Executive Editor
- Toni Buterin, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
Managing Editor
- Ivana Tutić Grokša, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
Editorial Board
- Evgenia Arh, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Goran Arbans, Psychiatry Clinic, Vrapče, Croatia
- Toni Buterin, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Dejan Donev, Center for Integrative Bioethics – Kumanovo, Macedonia
- Robert Doričić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Igor Eterović, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Miloš Marković, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia
- Orhan Jašić, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Hrvoje Jurić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
- Željko Kaluđerović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Bernarda Mrak, Dental Estetica, Rijeka, Croatia
- Goran Pelčić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Gordana Pelčić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Mirjana Pinezić, University of Zagreb, Catholic Faculty of Theology, Zagreb, Croatia
- Sandra Radenović, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia
- Natacha Salome Lima, University of Buenos Aires, School of Psychology, Argentina
- Igor Salopek, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Gordana Šimunković, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Sanja Špoljar Vržina, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Croatia
- Tajana Tomak, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Health Studies, Rijeka, Croatia
- Iris Vidmar, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Croatia
Advisory Board
- Michael Chang-Tek Tai, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan
- Jozo Čizmić, University of Split, Pravni fakultet, Split, Croatia
- Ante Čović, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies, Zagreb, Croatia
- Josip Grbac, University of Zagreb, Catholic Faculty of Theology, Zagreb, Croatia
- Nenad Hlača, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Rijeka, Croatia
- Gottfried Küenzlen, Bundeswehr University of München, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, München, Germany
- Fernando Lolas Stepke, University of Chile, Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies in Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, Santiago, Chile
- Borut Ošlaj, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Majda Pahor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Snježana Prijić Samaržija, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Croatia
- Hans Martin Sass, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
- Walter Schweidler, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Inglostadt, Eichstätt, Germany
- Ante Simonić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
- Antonio G. Spagnolo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Roma, Italy
- Florian Steger, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin Universität Ulm, Germany
For authors
Instructions for authors:
- https://hrcak.srce.hr/upute/upute_autorima_JAHR.pdf
- http://www.jahr-bioethics journal.com/index.php/JAHR/about/submissions#authorGuidelines
Manuscript is submitted online:
All papers are available on the journal’s official website:
User rights
Jahr is an open-access journal, meaning that all content is available to the user or their institution for free. Users are allowed to read, upload, copy, distribute, print, search and share links of the paper or use it in any other legal way without explicitly asking permission from the author or publisher. The only limitation is the protection of the author’s and publisher’s integrity and their right to state and cite their merits. All of the above aligns with the BOAI definition of open access.
Jahr provides open access to papers based on the principle that free access to research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge in accordance with the Creative Commons license (CC BY).
Held as part of the 22nd Rijeka Days of Bioethics
- IGOR ETEROVIĆ: JAHR – od skromne ideje godišnjaka rođene u Halleu do međunarodnog časopisa u Rijeci
- TONI BUTERIN, EVGENIA ARH, GORDANA ŠIMUNKOVIĆ: Formalna analiza izgradnje promišljanja o europskoj bioetici kroz deset godina časopisa Jahr
- GORDANA ŠIMUNKOVIĆ, EVGENIA ARH, TONI BUTERIN: Sadržajna analiza prvog desetljeća kroz izazove publiciranja časopisa Jahr: Od Godišnjaka Katedre do Europskog časopisa za bioetiku
- ROBERT DORIČIĆ, IGOR ETEROVIĆ: Dvije tračnice jedinstvene uredničke energije – suživot časopisa Jahr i AMHA