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Scientific excellence award for best-graded UNIRI projects
The University of Rijeka has awarded 15 best multi-year scientific research projects conducted by experienced scientists at the University of Rijeka. The award is given in five…
“Ormar ljubavi”
Dear all, same as last year, we are looking forward to hanging out with you at our charity event named The closet of love (Ormar ljubavi). You are all encouraged to go through y…
Borislav Nakić award of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences
On 17 March 2023, on the occasion of the Dies Academicus 2022 ceremony, Marija Mazor, PhD, from the Center for Proteomics received the Borislav Nakić award of the Croatian Academy…
Erasmus mobility of invited incoming staff from enterprises
Within the Erasmus project 2022-1-HR01-KA131-HED-000051706, the University of Rijeka is funding the mobility for invited incoming staff from enterprises for teaching at the…
Call for applications for granting Rector’s Award in the academic year 2022-2023
Natječaj za dodjelu nagrada rektora u 2022./2023. ak. god. | UNIRI Call-for-applications-for-granting-Rectors-Award-in-the-academic-year-2022-2023.pdf…
ROAЯ festival
Call for applications for the student exchange programme at the Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan
Based on the bilateral agreement with the Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan, on 8 February 2023, the Faculty of Medicine announced the Call for applications for the election of thr…
Conference Meaningful Innovations in Education
Time: Friday, 24 February 2023, at 9 am Place: Lecture room G-003 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka (University Campus, Radmile Matejčić 3) The Conferen…