University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, May 19 – 20, 2022

- Niels Lemmermann (Germany), University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.
- Niall Hyland (Ireland), University College Cork.
- Alena Knežević Čizmić (USA), University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry.
- Hein Raat (Netherlands), Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica (Serbia), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade.
Please, follow this link to register: REGISTRATION
The registration fee is 100 HRK.
Payment information for payment in HRK:
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Braće Branchetta 20, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Zagrebačka banka d.d.
IBAN: HR9323600001101410222
Reference number: HR00 400-30-4500
Payment description: name, surname and OIB/ unique personal identification number
Payment information for payment in other currencies:
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Braće Branchetta 20, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Jadranski trg 3a, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
IBAN: HR2724020061100355029
Reference: 400-30-4500
Colleagues who have submitted oral presentations are asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation lasting 10 minutes.
Presentations in .pptx format should be sent via the link: PRESENTATION SUBMISSION by 16.5.2022.
Colleagues who have submitted poster presentations and will participate LIVE at the congress should PRINT posters that will be displayed in the hall of the Faculty of Medicine. Posters will not be presented, but during the poster section, doctoral/ postdoctoral students are required to stand by their posters and answer any questions.
Posters need to be printed at a size of 90×120 cm (width x height).
Colleagues who have submitted poster presentations and will participate ONLINE at the congress should prepare a recording of their poster presentation lasting 3 minutes. The recordings will be broadcast during the poster section, and you are required to be present ONLINE if anyone has any questions.
A recordings should be named surname_name, saved in .mp4 format, and sent from the we.transfer to the mail: by 16.5.2022.
All participants are required to pay a registration fee of 100.00 HRK and register for the congress via the REGISTRATION link.
The abstract must be written in the English language with Normal margins (2.5 cm), 1.5 line spacing, and 11-point Arial font. The title should be in bold and sentence-case. The author’s information must conclude names and surnames (without initials and degrees). The abstracts should not exceed 450 words. Abstracts should NOT contain photos, tables, or references. A list of 3 – 6 keywords should be written below the Abstracts, arranged in alphabetical order, and separated by a semi-colon (;). The abstract should be saved in .docx format.
Below you can also find the link to submit your Power Point Presentation in .pptx format.
You can download Abstract template here:
Abstract template.pdf
Abstracts Submission Deadline | The deadline has been extended until April 11th. |
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection | April 18, 2022 |
Registration fee Deadline | April 25, 2022 |
PowerPoint Presentation Deadline | May 16, 2022 |
Congress Dates | May 19 – 20, 2022 |
Dear PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and all interested parties,
It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to the 1st Biomedicine and Health PhD Students Congress “Science and Us” with international participation. The Congress will be held from 19 to 20 May, 2022 at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine. The Congress is intended for PhD and postdoctoral researchers in biomedicine and health as well as related scientific fields. The main topics of the Congress are from the fields of biomedicine, clinical medicine, dental medicine, public health and environmental engineering. The Congress will be held both on-site and online via the Zoom platform. The official language of the Congress is English.
The Congress aims to contribute to the exchange of experiences and research results of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers as well as to raise the quality of study programs through oral and poster presentations. Participation in this Congress is an elective activity for doctoral studies. Oral and poster presentations will be evaluated with ECTS credits. This Congress is an opportunity for all participants to increase their knowledge by listening to eminent visiting lecturers from various institutions, to present their noteworthy ideas, to connect with the wider academic community and, most importantly, to participate in creating solutions to actual scientific challenges.
We hope you will have a pleasant time and an opportunity to create new scientific perspectives, cooperation and friendships! We look forward meeting you!
Organizing Committee of the “Science and Us” Congress
The Team
Organizing Committee:
Maša Knežević, mag. pharm. inv., President of the Congress
Ina Viduka, mag. sanit. ing., President of the Organizing Committee
Ingrid Šutić Udović, dr. med.
Lena Zatković, mag. pharm.
Ana Zulijani dr. med. dent.
Marija Livajić, dr. med.
Denis Juraga, mag. sanit. ing.
Mamaja Jančić, dipl. oec.
Koraljka Longin, dipl. ing.
Adriana Prpić, spec. publ. admin.
Scientific Committee:
prof. dr. sc. Marina Šantić, President of the Scientific Committee
doc. dr. sc. Vanda Juranić Lisnić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Darija Vukić Lušić
doc. dr. sc. Lovorka Bilajac
doc. dr. sc. Marko Klarić
prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Špalj
doc. dr. sc. Mateja Ožanič