
Radionica za mentore i komentore


_Znanstvena događanja

Obavještavamo Vas da će u četvrtak, 26. rujna 2024. godine u Vijećnici Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci od 9,00 do 11,00 sati prof. dr. sc. Robert Harris, Academic Vice President of Doctoral Education, Chair of International Advisory Council- Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Swedenodržati radionica namijenjenu mentorima i komentorima.

Naziv radionice:   

Professional Responsibility and the giving and receiving of feedback

Tema radionice:     

As a PhD supervisor you have a significant role in guiding and supporting the next generation of scientists. This part of the workshop will explore the essential elements of professional responsibility in PhD supervision in order to inspire your development of the knowledge and skills needed in this important role. Communication is central to successful post-graduate supervision, and the ability to give and receive feedback constructively is essential for fostering growth and development in research students. This part of the workshop will enhance your communication skills and empower meaningful feedback exchanges with your PhD students.

Ciljani sudionici: 

mentori/komentori te budući mentori/komentori

Vrijeme i mjesto:

  • 26. rujna 2024.
  • Od 9,00 do 11,00 sati,
  • Vijećnica.

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